2010. március 8., hétfő


The Moirae

(often called the The Fates), in Greek mythology, were the white-robed personifications of destiny. Their number became fixed at three. The Greek word moira literally means a part or portion, and by extension one's portion in life or destiny. They controlled the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal from birth to death (and beyond).

moiré pattern

In physics, a moiré pattern is an interference pattern created, for example, when two grids are overlaid at an angle, or when they have slightly different mesh sizes. The term originates from moire, a type of textile, traditionally of silk but now also of cotton or synthetic fiber, with a rippled or 'watered' appearance.


shape and dimension of buildings communicate their function - or the range of functions that they could host.


specific geometry could determine its function. the key attributes like height, verticality and limited access lead us to the issues of safety-closeness, the possibility and constraint of control, and the standardization of forms and functions for the optimal use.


through these key words we were looking for the function that this specific building geometry is the adequate answer for. prisons all around the u.s. could be centralized which would make their maintainance easier and more controllable through a building like this.

rehabilitation and reintegration

our prisoners cover their own energy needs by using special gym tools that produce electricity. this activity also helps their physical condition, just like growing plants on the outer terraces of the towers improves their menthal health.


as the mesh of the facade captives solar energy and water, and the prisoners produce their own electricity, the tower is independent from the public utility. by selling the grown plants the prison can even achieve economical independence that would improve the general judgement of state prisons. by liberating many properties within cities that were earlier inhabited by prisoners, large number of social housing could be established.

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